Thursday, May 5, 2022

Fight Impurity with The Holy Virgin


Mother most Pure.

Mother most Chaste.

Virgin most Prudent.

Comforter of the Afflicted.

Queen of Families.

Queen of Peace.

There is a lot of impurity in my home.  The utmost thing I need to do is repent of it in Confession, but it may be a while before I'm scheduled for my General Confession.  

In the meantime, I'm fighting impurity with purity.  Quietly.

I know my family isn't going to listen to me scolding them for their impurities, especially since I contributed to it with my own sins and my own allowance and participation in it.  About all I can do is ask them to watch their mouths.  That much is tolerated without causing an unproductive fight.  I can also admit my wrongness in this area and ask forgiveness.  

Those impure darts are going to fly, and it'll probably get worse before it gets better.  The Enemy isn't going to like all the Hail, Marys I'm going to pray, and with 5 against 1, he'll try to outnumber me.  One f-bomb is easier and quicker to say than a Hail, Mary.  But, a Hail, Mary is FAR more powerful.

I thought about praying other prayers, especially prayers directly toward Christ (that's the old evangelical in me-you only pray to Christ), but it just seemed fitting to fight impurity, especially sexually-related impurities like the f-word with Our Holy Virgin Mary.  She'll willingly take on this battle. 

And I hope to have an amazing report in time.  And if it does get worse I'll know it's working, too.   And even if it never gets better, my prayers and faithfulness in the matter still count for something.  Maybe it's getting better in someone else's house or in their lives.  

And I know it'll help it get better in me.

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