Thursday, May 12, 2022

An Unfortunate Theme


Woman Healed from Demon

Please note that these are just my thoughts and observations.  This is me mulling it all over in my head, not making accusations or diagnoses.  

Within my social media circles are a rather large number of Christian women who have a rather different interpretation of Christianity than I understand it.  I listened to them for a while because, as with many things, there's a level of truth within the new expressions of faith.  They rightfully called out dangerous cultural teachings that have subjugated women and children, causing rampant abuses, especially within the Evangelical church.  However, as with many reactions, they are opposite, but equal....therefore, going as far off the opposite way into another form of extremism.

As I wove my way through these camps, debating, observing, listening to their stories, I started to notice themes that alarmed me, but I couldn't quite put my finger on it.  The possible ah-ha moment occurred when the latest trend of denying Evil and demonic influences in favor of the term "mental illness" started flying about the platforms.

Now, don't get me wrong.  There is definitely a difference between having a mental illness and being demonically influenced, oppressed, or possessed.  Mental illnesses are real -- But so is the demonic.  

Now, I'm not saying 100% that these themes mean absolute correlation, but it does get me to go, "hmmm."  You see, allowing the opposite of God's design, seeking spirituality contrary to God's Will and Way opens us up to terrible things such as the demonic and hardness of heart.  We become blind.  There's the True Christ Jesus, and then there's the Jesus of our own making.  Which are we worshiping?


They are pro-choice, often under the idea that they are being charitable towards women while denying the personhood of the unborn baby.

They are pro-LGBTQ+.  Indeed, we should not treat anyone badly, but they believe that God intended for people to live along that spectrum.

They express some level of disgust or disinterest in men and children.

They deny the God-created biology of reproduction.

They deny the God-created order of sex being within marriage and open to life.  

They practice spirituality outside of traditional Christianity, such as Yoga and Karma.

They have some level of disdain for the traditions of Christendom and society.

They believe in animal eternity (Rainbow Bridge) or deny the existence of Hell.

They refute the traditional scholarly interpretation of Scripture that's 2000 years old in favor of modern interpretations that, surprise surprise, fits their narrative.

They have humanistic tendencies (because I feel they are right and I want to do it, it must be morally right).  

And here are the two clinchers:

They deny the existence of the demonic and Evil.

They claim they have chronic mental illness.

It is quite possible that they've opened themselves up demonic influence with so much compromise and find themselves tormented by Evil influences.  They get caught up in a cycle of mental illness and trying to find their own truth that brings them community, comfort, and a sense of moral superiority.  They'll refuse to believe God's command to be chaste in favor of their moral superiority stance of saying people shouldn't judge those who sleep around and abort their babies.

What does that do to a soul?!  Where is real peace?

Our Lady of Good Success, pray for us.

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