Tuesday, May 17, 2022

Obeying Mother as She Obeyed


I had a lightbulb moment yesterday as I was contemplating approved Marian apparitions and what Our Lady told us to do, particularly pray the Rosary daily.  I thought about the struggle to obey her, and my thoughts drifted to my own children struggling to obey.  I mean, they tend to obey direct commands of immediate authority, they sort of obey indirect commands such as the tasks they ought to do on the daily.  I thought, "think of how much I could do for them if they only obeyed me!"  

Light bulb! 

Because we think of Mary as perfect and full of grace, in Heaven, and with that kind of authority, we think of her as not needing us to be perfect.  Obviously we can't be, but we think, "surely she doesn't NEED us to pray the Rosary daily!  She can do her work without us doing what she's asked all the time!"  There's truth in that.  I can function and parent my kids ok without them doing what I've asked or commanded all the time.  But, anyone who's a parent can tell you it is harder.  It creates more work for us as parents.  It breaks bonds of trust between parent and child, it can create the temptation of resentment, it can cause laziness and sloth in the children to the point where it is hard to even do anything for them because you become overwhelmed or the reception of the help isn't received.

Do you see where I am going with this?  

But, if my children strove to obey and improve themselves as obedient, honoring children, it would fill me up so much!  It would help me so much.  Just think of all I could do, or even desire to do with them and for them!  

Here's an example.  My kids would love to go on a small vacation.  I have the opportunity to work some extra hours that could make that possible.  However, I cannot take on the extra hours because of all I have to do at home.  I've told my children that if they pick up the slack at home, if they are more careful with snacks, if they stop insisting on bottled water (our tap water is fine), I could work the extra hours and save money at the grocery store in order for us to achieve that vacation.  They've refused, so no vacation.  I can't give that blessing to children who refuse to receive it through their choices not to obey.  

Mary has promised us much, but we need to put in the work (The Rosary, ordered Catholic living).  Think of how much she could do if we only just obeyed!  She's not asking us to destroy ourselves.  She's asking us to pick up our toys, so to speak, and to behave as we ought to, things we should be doing, anyway.  She's asking us to maintain a relationship rather than just expecting to take from our relationship with Christ and Holy Mother Church.  

I am seeking Mother.  I am asking Her what she wants me to do not only because I realize I ought to out of love and rightfulness, but I would hope this would set an example and trickle down to my own children.  In my fatigue and confusion as I left the Evangelical faith, things have rather fallen to pieces here, but I cannot expect my children to do that which I haven't been doing.  

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