Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Quietly Catholic

 After 5 years of wandering and wondering....

After 5 years of diving headfirst, then running away....

After 5 years of prayers, research, debates, arguments, fears, and still more prayers...

I decided to Come Home to Rome.  

I came close 2 years ago.  I was in RCIA and only about a month from Easter Vigil, and I backed out and shut down.  I got scared.  Nothing felt "right."  I had no support, Covid lockdowns were making things far more difficult, and that "magical feeling" I had had was gone.

This time is different.  There isn't a "magical feeling" at all.  There's just this yearning, this knowing, this submission to obedience of conscience. 

Before, I wanted the Catholic Culture and how it made me feel.

Now, I want Jesus and I want to obey Him.  

Before, I enjoyed arguing with my evangelical family and acting the Catholic part.

Now, I'm going in quietly and letting my quiet submission, my obedience be the witness.

I'm not going to hide it, but I'm not going to rub their faces in it.  I'm not going to pick fights.  I'm not going to put on an outward show.

I just plan on serving the Lord.  Quietly.  

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