Thursday, August 11, 2022

A Habit of My Own?


Today is the Feast of St. Clare.  As I listened to her story on Catholic radio I thought about my own life, my own desires to live a life in service to the Lord, living more simply so I can better serve others, and I thought about adopting a habit of my own.  

Now, throughout my christian walk, especially in my Protestant days, I went through phases where I did try to wear very specific clothing to set myself apart in my Christian walk.  In my late teens I started wearing the caped dresses and headcoverings of the Amish and Mennonites.  In my young married years I wanted to dress in modest 1940s, 1950s styles.  Lately, I dress in a sort of "uniform" for the kind of work I do.  I wear jeans of some sort and tshirts.  In summer, they are cropped jeans and short sleeve shirts.  In cold weather, they are regular jeans and long sleeve knit shirts, sweaters, or hoodies.  Very "mom" of me.  I miss wearing more feminine clothing.

But, a part of me wants to find a style that is suitable for my station in life, feminine, inexpensive, simple, and initially thoughtful to be increasingly thoughtless.  What I mean by that last bit is that if I put thought into it upon purchase I won't have to think about what I'm wearing or worry about making outfits.  It just simply won't matter.  

I thought, perhaps if I just wear habit-colored tops.....

But, I put it to prayer.  I'd already been asking Mary to guide me in my clothing choices.  So I asked Her about this "laywoman habit."  The thought that came to mind is that I already live simply in my clothing choices in that most of my clothing comes to me 2nd hand, either given or purchased at garage sales.  My jeans are one of two brands I can literally just grab off the shelf in seconds at local big box stores.  Inexpensive, simple.  I have days where I have the energy to put a little thought into my wardrobe, but most of the time I can pretty mindlessly put my "uniform" on.  

Therefore, I feel like Mary is giving me the nod to just keep on as I am where I am right now.  I don't feel my wardrobe is as modest as it ought to be.  Jeans are still rather form-fitting, but perhaps in her graciousness she knows I'm kind of stuck right now, and it doesn't make sense to spend the time, money, and energy redoing my wardrobe.  

So, for now, as the need arises, I will ask Mary to guide my clothing choices.  

I still think it is a neat idea to have a sort of simple wardrobe habit of my own.

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