Tuesday, June 21, 2022

The Weaker Vessel

Ye husbands, likewise dwelling with them according to knowledge, giving honour to the female as to the weaker vessel, and as to the co-heirs of the grace of life: that your prayers be not hindered.  1 Peter 3:7

There are always bits and pieces of Holy Scripture that makes us cringe a little.  This is no exception, except it makes society cringe.  "What do you mean women are weak?!"  

I've heard many different explanations of this phrase ranging from the absurd to the practical on different sides of the religious spectrum.

The most absurd I've heard from secularists is that the author of 1 Peter is a misogynist. 

The most absurd I've heard from Christians is that women are vapid, weak, dumb, emotional, and flippant compared to men.  

Other, more practical explanations include:

1.  Women are generally physically, muscularly weaker than men.
2.  In the society of the time (and of history at large) women were seen as property or as lesser citizens than men, making them more vulnerable.
3.  Women's reproductive biology, especially before modern menstrual products and medical care, made them more vulnerable.
4.  We are overall more bodily delicate, more affected by the elements, our skin is thinner, etc.

I think the Bible verse can mean the above 4 explanations, but, ultimately, these verses are about one spouse being a believer and the other spouse not being a believer!  If you start at the beginning of the chapter, St. Peter is telling wives how they might be witness and win over their husbands to Christ.  Then, he begins to say to husbands, "ye, likewise..." 

The weaker vessel isn't necessarily women in general, but the unbelieving spouse!!!!

Another thing I've noticed is that some translations call the woman the weaker vessel, but others say "as unto the weaker vessel" or "as to the weaker vessel."  That's a tiny difference that makes a big change.  

Read it with these Catholic glasses on, that the weaker vessel isn't women in general, but rather the unbelieving spouse.  See how this section of Scripture jumps to life and understanding more!

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