Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Pray to Mary, My Mother

Dear Mary, My Mother,

I need you to be my mother.  I have a good earthly mother, but she is not my Catholic mother.  I was denied that holy upbringing, and though my earthly mother reared me well, she did not rear me Catholic.  I mourn the loss of my Catholic upbringing, so here I am deep into adulthood only a baby in the arms of Holy Mother Church.

Mary, as my Mother, I need you to:

Feed me because I am hungry. (I am hungry for Truth and Wisdom)
Clothe me because I am naked. (As a mother chooses clothing for her children, Mother choose mine)
Change me because I am filthy. (As a mother changes a soiled diaper, may Mother clean me of soiling in my life)
Hold me because I need comfort. (I am distressed and lonely, like a lost and confused little child looking for her mother in a crowd)
Rock me because I need rest. (Like infants, in this distressing and distracting world I can have difficulty finding rest and I need to learn how to rest, like a mother teaches her infant to soothe)
Teach me because I am ignorant. (Like a mother trains up her children in the way they should go.)
Discipline me because I am unruly. (Like a mother disciplines a naughty child to show them the right way)
Correct me because I am wrong (Like a mother corrects a mistaken or misunderstanding child)
Keep me safe because I am in danger (Like a mother makes sure her child is safe wherever they go)
Bring me to your Son. (As a Catholic mother brings her children before Our Lord)

Pull my hand from the fire.
Close my mouth to false and foul words.
Shield me from the vile and wicked.
Cultivate my conscience.
Keep me from consuming poison and junk.
Tuck me safely within your mantle.

And be my Mother, my Catholic Mother as I have not had one. 

Hail, Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee.  Blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.  Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death.


In the name of the  Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit



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