Thursday, October 20, 2022

When Large Families are Celebrated, and it Hurts

I just realized this is tagged with Traditional Catholic Femininity's url.
I do encourage you to check out her page.
I'll link it HERE.

I love that large Catholic families are "trending" and people are celebrating and honoring them.  It's a beautiful thing.  I'm seeing posts, pictures, and even artwork depicting families of 6, 7, 8 or more children!  

However, I'm seeing something else trending, too.  I'm seeing hurt, negativity, and even anger towards these large families and their depictions.  I expect it from the world, but I've seen it among Christians, too.  

There are those who would have loved a large family but face infertility.  They feel like small families are looked upon and large families are depicted as more holy.  They worry about being judged. 

There are those who wouldn't mind a large family, but their circumstances would make it very difficult to have one.  Maybe mom is chronically ill and burned out.  Maybe one of their children has a special need that absorbs so much time, energy, and money.  Maybe they simply don't have enough income or their house is too small.  

There are those who don't want a large family.  They prefer to put their focus on the 2 they have.  

There are those who don't want any children at all.  

I can empathize with the first two.  The others, I can understand their arguments even if I don't agree with them.  

For all of them I say that we cannot and should not censor the advocacy and joy towards large families just because it stings a little in our own situations.  

I look with longing at families larger than mine, especially those so well put-together.  My own family of 4 children seems so small, and I am painfully aware that my husband and I chose sterilization back when we were evangelicals.  And I'm painfully aware of my own limitations when it comes to raising a family (situation, family, finances, personal ability and wellness).  I would love for it to be different, but I choose to honor and advocate for large families rather than focus on my own sadness, resentment, or bitterness.

When Large Families are Celebrated, and it Hurts

I just realized this is tagged with Traditional Catholic Femininity's url. I do encourage you to check out her page. I'll link it HE...